Gay rape porn stories fantasy

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In Game of Thrones, the rape and abuse of women was always at the forefront, with the implication that in general, women in that world are always under threat of being trapped in an abusive marriage by a powerful man and forced to bear him heirs.

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In fantasy genre fiction, the specter of people who get pregnant being used primarily as living incubators is ever-present. The sad truth is that there are already people in America who experience life as handmaids, completely beholden to those who’ve gotten them pregnant and unable to terminate their pregnancies. In Mississippi, there is only one abortion provider in the entire state, and the sheer number of legal restrictions, like the 24-hour waiting period and two-trip requirement, make access even more difficult. For nearly half a century, overturning this decision has been the primary project of the Republican Party, which never tried to hide it 13 states already have laws that will trigger full abortion bans in preparation for a Supreme Court ruling overturning the right to bodily autonomy, with another 13 likely to effectively ban abortion.Īlthough abortion is nominally legal, in many states it’s already almost impossible to get one. We have been losing our right to accessible and safe abortions by inches for years.

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