Omd enola gay lyrics meaning

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Martin Cooper was born in 1958 and joined OMD in 1980.Īndy McCluskey was the lead vocalist for the band, also playing lead guitar, bass guitar and keyboards. When the Id was founded in 1977, Holmes became the band’s drummer. Malcolm Holmes was born in a suburb of Merseyside in The Wirral in 1960. He was influenced by Kraftwerk and Brian Eno. Paul David Humphreys was born in 1960 Merseyside. The latter was a synth-pop band that also included future OMD member Malcolm Holmes. The two teamed up in their teens to play in the bands Hitlerz Underpantz, VCL XI and the Id.

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In primary school McCluskey met Paul Humphreys. The bands’ co-founder, George Andrew “Andy” McCluskey, was born in 1959 in the town of Heswall on The Wirral peninsula. Orchestral Manoeuvres in the Dark (OMD) is a band that formed in 1978 in the Liverpool suburb of Wirral, UK. Peak Position on Billboard Hot 100 ~ did not chart

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Number of weeks on Vancouver’s CFMI Chart – insufficient data due to unavailable charts #1395: Souvenir by Orchestral Manoeuvres In The Dark

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